Saturday, March 20, 2010


How is it that depression can ruin our lives in such a brutal manner? I had another breakdown last night, overwhelming fear, a sense of abandonment, I felt so small and vulnerable. Really I think I should be allowed to kill the man who did this to me. He has ruined my entire life. He has made me weak. I was only a baby; Barely older than my own son. I am truly traumatized far deeper than I ever thought I was. It’s not fair that now it’s coming out in such force. I am happy! For the most part I am happy. I love Aaron with all that I am and because of my fear I pushing him away. He says he wants to be here for me but I can feel his frustration with me. I can’t help it though; I don’t know what to do. Even today after a good night’s rest and my meltdown last night I am still scared shitless. I can’t afford the medication I need to make me better, I can’t afford the doctor to prescribe that medication and here I sit terrified. Certain that at any moment I am going to be left to the devices of evil. I am so afraid that he will leave because of it; if he leaves it will destroy me. I have no idea what to do. I so desperately want to cry and yet I find that the tears won’t come. I’m so tired of feeling like this. I’m so tired of feeling small and vulnerable. I can’t imagine how wonderful my life would be if I wasn’t spending every second of life wondering when the meltdown would come. When will I begin to panic? What will trigger it? I don’t know I only know that I spend so much time obsessing over it that I simply can’t enjoy my life anymore. No wonder I was suicidal at one point, there are really only two reasons I’m not now I guess and one of those could potentially become disposable not by my own choice of course. I love him dearly with all that I am but how is it that he can tolerate me any longer when I can hardly tolerate myself? I wish that I didn’t feel what he felt; honestly I wish he was as much a mystery to me as every other person in the world. I don’t want him to know this depth of me because I am afraid that he will feel guilty for being who is or feeling the way he does. I really wish that I had never made this insatiable connection. If he takes it from me I notice it and the fear and anguish are multiplied but feeling what he feels is too much some of the time. In a lot of ways right now I just want to be inside myself and know my own thoughts independently and feel my own feelings, I know this is not possible because the loss of him now would destroy me. Not just the physical loss but the emotional loss the loss of he senses combined with mine, it would end me. I know I can never be independent of him again, not now that I we have linked our souls in such a way. If only. Ah well such is life and I will continue to suffer in silence not because I don’t want to confide in him but because I feel it more than he can bear to know. I love him heart and soul and no part of me will ever be the same without him. i wish I had a confidant, more now than ever before. I have given up so much and some not by any choice of my own. It is so hard to be me today, I wish there was some way to run away from myself. Oh sweet sorrow will you never stop controlling my thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Julie, I am so sorry that you're going through this. I am praying for you and am here should you need/want to talk.
