Thursday, February 4, 2010

In the begining a choice was made

have you ever just stopped to wonder at all the amazing things there are in the world. take for instance the trees, so statuesque so stately so proud and within them there is another world. They are homes, they are food, they are what makes this world livable literally. and the same can be said for the babies, for elderly, for the moments we spend racing through our lives with the only real goal being that we get on to the next task. what kind of life is that? someone tell me can we really be content going through our lives with no goal in mind? no i'm serious! think about it people we the human race strive toward one thing and that is things but what does that teach anyone, and what joy does that bring us? never in my life have i seen a u-haul in a funeral procession. none of the crap we have on this earth goes with us when we are gone. wouldn't it be far wiser and of much greater importance if in the dash of our lives we were remembered not for what we had but for what we did? What if rather than people saying at in their eulogy that "___was a great man who gave his money to a lot of charities and left a financial legacy for his children" what if instead of that people could stand up with tears in their eyes and say "____was an amazing person who loved his family and his god. He never hesitated a moment when helping people and even though he wasn't a rich man he gave everything he had to make this world a better place without ever thinking of the return." wouldn't it be so awesome if your eulogy told the world that your legacy was humanity and not wealth, not fame, not obligations; but rather faith, and hope, and love, and charity and honesty? I hope that when i die the world doesn't care i don't want to leave a legacy that the world admires rather i want to leave a legacy that God admires. in sorrow and in shame i give my all to helping those who cannot help themselves, i give my time to those who have none, i give my patience to those who must yet learn theirs and first and foremost i give myself to idea that while i alone cannot change the world the world itself WILL NOT change me. Good faith my friends live your life like every second is your last, you never know when God will call you home. it is by faith that we must live our lives because by faith God created us to live for HIM! He didn't have to it was his choice, the story of creation says that in the beginning God created....let me tell you something before God created God chose to create. Don't disappoint him people too many already have.

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